Mounting Abuse of ATMs

On June 17, 2011, in Uncategorized, by lawgracelive

Normally, this site is simply concerned with acronym abuse, but recently, ATMs have come under increasing attack.  This new attack is not only from frequent abuse of their standard acronym, but now for their mere existence.  Recently the President of The United States, Barak Obama, has put blame for the mounting unemployment crisis squarely on the shoulders of poor, defenseless ATMS.

While it may be human nature to blame things that can’t defend themselves for your problems, enough is enough!  ATMs deserve better treatment!  For something most of us use at least once a week, ATMs deserve a little respect.  Sure, they take more money from you than most Pay Day Loans when you take $10 out, but OOOOh the convenience!

I call on people everywhere to stop ATM acronym abuse and stop the senseless slandering of these poor, defenseless machines!!


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